"Anyone who believes in me may come and drink! For the Scriptures declare, ‘Rivers of living water will flow from his heart.’”--John 7:38(NLT)
We all know that water is necessary to sustain life. The human body requires water to function at an optimal level. Water hydrates the organs, oxygenates the blood, flushes away toxins, energizes muscles, and balances electrolytes and fluid levels. We also know, when we are thirsty, nothing quenches like water! Sodas, caffeinated beverages, alcoholic drinks, and even juices are known to increase thirst and dehydration. There is simply no substitute for water.
Similarly, as water to the body--so is the living water of Jesus to the human soul. Nothing can quench the core longings of the soul like the living water of the Lord. The living water that He provides refreshes, revitalizes, restores, and hydrates the parched places of our souls. Some life experiences dehydrate us spiritually like abandonment, abuse, trauma, neglect, abandonment, violated trust, rejection, grief, fear, poor decisions, and unresolved conflict--to name but a few. As a result, we look for soul "thirst-quenchers" that only increase dehydration and spiritual toxicity.
Spiritual hydration that endures, can only be found in Christ. If you are endeavoring to quench the longing of your soul with anyone or anything other than Him, you are prone to perpetual cycles of on-going thirst and a futile, endless search for what will quench your thirsty soul.
Reflection Questions to grapple with and consider:
1. Are you thirsty?
2. What has cause spiritual dehydration in your life?
3. How are you quenching the parched areas of your soul?
4. Are your spiritual thirst quenchers perpetuating cycles of drought and dehydration?
Father, in the name of Jesus, I thank you that there is a river of living water found only in you. It flows from your Throne Room. I thank you that it replenishes, waters, cleanses, and heals. I thank you that you control the ebbs and flows of the rivers of living water. You control the current, the depth, and the temperature. I pray that your river would flow in my life. Let your living water saturate my soul. Flow into the dry and arid places in my heart. Quench the places of dearth and desolation. Bring life! Bring healing! Bring restoration! Bring waters of refreshing to rejuvenate the parched places of my soul! Amen.
"And he shewed me a pure river of water of life, clear as crystal, proceeding out of the throne of God and of the Lamb."--Revelation 22:1(KJV)
"The river of the spirit of God overcomes all obstacles."
--Oswald Chambers (My Utmost for His Highest)