Jesus tells us in John 6:63, that words are spirit and life. When we speak, we are creating; something is being established through the power of our words. God spoke the world into existence (Genesis 1). Man was created in the image and likeness of God. As such, God, the Creator, has given us the ability to create--through words. We can speak words of encouragement or discouragement. Our words can edify or destroy. Our words can fuel or diffuse. Our words can motivate or mislead. Words can change an environment or atmosphere.
King David understood the power of words. In Psalm 141:3, we see him asking God to set a watch over his mouth and to guard the door of his lips. Why would he pray such a prayer? Perhaps he understood that once words leave our lips, they cannot be retrieved. How many of us have spoken words in a bout of anger, frustration, discouragement, annoyance, resentment, fatigue, etc. that we wish we could take back?
May today be the day we allow the Lord to set a watch over our mouths, and cause us to speak words of life.
Father, in Jesus' name, I repent of my sharp tongue. Forgive me. I ask you to set a watch over my mouth. Guard the door of my lips. I pray for opportunities to speak words of life. I pray that you would use me this day to speak a word of encouragement to someone who may be down. Amen.