God has a pre-ordained plan and purpose(the reason for which something has been created) for all us. His plan for our lives was established before we were born. His word tells us in Jeremiah 1 that before we were born or even conceived, he knew us! How can this be? God is the Creator and he is eternal, so his plan for our lives was established in eternity. Long before we were on our parents' radar, we were known by the Father. He created us with purpose and destiny in eternity. We are born loaded with gifts, talents, skills, ability, and destiny... by God's design. That is why no child is a mistake, accident, or an "oops" in the eyes of the Father. Every child brings something to bear--some solution to a problem, an invention, an innovative idea, etc. Children are born with destiny on their lives. This is not my personal opinion, it is a biblical truth.
As an adult, if you wrestle with the idea that you have value and purpose in the Kingdom because of your life experiences, know that God has not changed his mind concerning you. What he purposed in eternity concerning you, is still intact. You were created in the Father's love and he has equipped you to do great things! If you are not sure what you have been created to do or what your purpose in life is, if you feel like you are meandering through life wayward and lost--ask the Lord to reveal what he had in mind when he created you. Ask him to reveal his plan for your life, in faith believing that He will show you.
Greatness, prosperity, purpose, and destiny are in you, no matter what it may look like in the natural or how much time you think you have wasted. Living a life of purpose is attainable!