When we trust God and have faith in his Word, we have supernatural ability. We have been given power and authority to speak to what is standing in our way--no matter what or who it is. Nothing is too hard for God (Jeremiah 32:17). When our faith is unwavering and we are thoroughly convinced that the word of God is truth and life, and that we have been endowed with supernatural power and authority--we are unstoppable! We are designed to conquer, overcome, and be victorious.
What proverbial mountain(s) is in your life today? Speak to it--with the word of God. God's word is THE only word/voice that the "mountain" reveres. God's word gives us power not only speak to, but to command the mountain and tell it where to go! Attempting to speak to your mountain sans the word of God, is not prudent. When we operate from a natural position, we are mincemeat. Remember the seven sons of Sceva in Acts 19? They attempted to operate from a spiritual position of authority that they did not possess. They did not know God, nor did they have a personal conviction of faith in Him. This reality led to open defeat and public humiliation .
If your faith is wavering and you are not fully convinced of the power and authority that you possess as a child of God--confess it to Him as did the father of a child with a dumb spirit did in Mark 9. He will help you in the area of unbelief.
Father, in the name of Jesus, I thank you for the truth of your word. God, I believe your word. I believe that you are all powerful and almighty. I believe that there is nothing to hard for you. I thank you that you have endowed me with the power of the Holy Sprit and have given me the ability to speak a precise word that every that would cause every mountain in my life to be lifted up and thrown into the sea. Amen.