Our pastor, Rev. Harrod E. Clay, Jr., has been teaching on an intriguing series encapsulating mental health, wholeness, and well-being. So often we were a façade a "wellness". Yet, underneath all of the fluff, we are secretly broken. Brokenness is what Jesus came for. He came to heal the brokenhearted--not those who are well, or pretend to be.
The key to becoming well, is to acknowledge that there is an area(s)in our lives that is not well. We must be willing to be transparent and honest before God and confess that we do not have it all together, that we have issues, that we have unresolved conflict plaguing our minds, and that we are not "the man" or "the woman".
Are you willing to own these hard truths? Are you willing to leave pride, secrecy, and inhibitions at the door and run to the Healer? Are you ready to be well?
If you would like more information on Pastor Clay's sermon series, please contact: 1(866)460-8976 or email: [email protected].