Is your relationship with God convenient or consistent?
I grew up in church; I became a Christian at age 12, was baptized, and served in ministry as a teenager and young adult. It was not contrived, I really enjoyed going to church--yet I was not fully committed to cultivating a relationship with God. So as a young adult, my relationship with the Lord was one of convenience. When I went away to college, I quickly found myself immersed in the reality of campus life--complete with carnal living and all of the realities of total independence--parties, sex, drinking, etc.
On the weekends I would come home, go to church, and put on my religious hat. Then on Sunday evenings, I would go out clubbing with my friends! All the while ignoring the internal conflict within my soul. I was having "fun" doing what the vast majority of young adults do--yet I was bringing great distress to my soul because I knew, as a child of God, what I was doing was wrong. I was being openly rebellious and defiant in the face of God.
God's word tells us that a double-minded ("dipsychos" Greek--meaning "divided in interest) person is unstable ("akatastatos"/ inconstant, restless) in their ways ("hodos"/a way of thinking, feeling, deciding; or course of conduct). Literally, a person with divided interests is restless and inconstant in their thoughts, feelings, decisions, choices, and behaviors.
For me, ultimately, I knew that I had to make a decision similar to the one the Israelites were confronted with when Elijah posed a question in I Kings 18:21, "Then Elijah stood in front of them and said, “How much longer will you waver, hobbling between two opinions? If the LORD is God, follow him! But if Baal is God, then follow him!” But the people were completely silent."(NLT)
My decision was to draw near to God, wash my hands, and purify my heart--not just when it is convenient, but as a lifestyle according to James 4:8.
How about you? Are you halting between two opinions? Are you silent when posed a direct question by the Holy Spirit about where you stand--spiritually? Are you living a double-life, which perpetuates double-mindedness and internal conflict? Are you a Sunday morning Christian only? No man can serve two masters. Bring peace and harmony to your soul by choosing to follow the Lord daily. What he has for you is so much greater than what you leave behind--the fleeting, transient, counterfeit offers of the world.
Come close to God, and God will come close to you. Wash your hands, you sinners; purify your heats, for your loyalty is divided between God and the world."--James 4:8(NLT)