How interesting it is that effective and meaningful communication is a skill that must be taught and practiced. Sadly enough, we live in a world in which communication occurs through technology. We have reduced communication to emogies, symbols, and letter combinations which are tanamount to learning a foreign language!
I am in no way minimizing or against technology--it is important, but when we lose our ability to express why we are feeling the way we do, it is not good. Would you agree that there are levels and layers of the human heart/psyche that cannot be articulated with a hashtag#?
Conveying our feelings is necessary in that it brings healing to the wounds of our soul and diffuses the internal chaos that occurs in our minds when we keep our feelings to ourselves. Have you ever tried to talk to someone but struggled to get your words out? Have you, or someone you know, ever said, "I don't know...I just can't put it into words..." The reality is, we do know and we can put it into words. The more we practice sharing our thoughts and feelings in a safe, warm, and nurturing environment the more apt we become in communicating effectively.
For most of us, it takes time and on-going practice to communicate effectively. If sharing your feelings with another person seems too daunting, consider the following:
* Journaling: It is a wonderful way to express your feelings.
* eCounseling: Gives you the opportunity to share and express your feelings with a trained counselor, who demonstrate care and concern in a supportive, non-judgmental way